Beat The Stats

Is your child currently ploughing through lots of spelling tests?

Does your child need support with learning all the words in their spelling lists?

Would you like to see your child play and enjoy the spelling process?

The Beat The Stats series is the answer! It includes:

Game style learning sessions

Two melodic albums exploring all the words

Handwriting sets & Bingo Cards

Flashcards, Phrase and Sentence Strips

Word searches and short stories

The statutory word lists students in the UK are given from years one to six are a mixture of words pupils frequently use in their writing and those which they often misspell. 

Our Beat The Stats resource is a rich exploration of the words years one and two are expected to know through interactive sessions, songs and a wealth of activities including word searches, short stories and our fun and fascinating ‘It’s Bingo Time’ pack! With over eleven hours worth of engagement and a plethora of interactive songs too, this rich resource will ensure your child is able to read, write, spell, comprehend and master all the words in the statutory word list.

“Learning how to recognise and correctly spell words should always be memorable. My mother always used to add rhythm and rhyme to every lesson; not only did I learn what she taught but I had fun in the process. It has been fun curating this resource for teachers and parents! Music and games always engage children – they are simply the language of their essence and of mine.”

Anthea Davidson-Jarrett


Complete Course

£ 129