Blend Trender

Is your child learning how to blend sounds?

Does your child need practice with recognising double consonant blends?

Would you like to see your child’s confidence soar with reading?

The Blend Trender Series is the perfect solution! It includes:

16 short, simple and fun sessions

Activity bumper pack and songs

Self-correcting exercises

Ongoing encouragement and praise

Mastering both consonant blends (two or more consonants each making their own sound e.g. ‘st’) and consonant diagraphs (two or more consonants making one combined sound e.g. ‘ph’) is essential in mastering the decoding and encoding words. It further consolidates the concrete foundation for your child to read effectively.

Spelling skills are also developed with a secure ability to recognise and segment whole words into their phonic elements.

The Blend Trender Series supports your child to recognise all consonant blends and diagraphs in a simple and methodical manner. It includes a set of interactive sessions as well as a word list of over five hundred words to engage with that will surely prepare your child to master the skill of consonant blending and familiarise your child with a plethora of new words at the same time! Our Blend Trender album is designed to be played when your child is not focusing on learning their blends so to encourage the internalising of word patterns subconsciously too!

By practicing blending your child prepares for their reading journey concretely and strengthens their ability to easily master the decoding of phonetic words; establishing the basis to tackle non phonetic words!

“Punctuation is a problem for a lot of learners and this often stops on from wanting to write their often wonderful ideas down on paper. Learning basic punctuation use is a must and the way this course is designed really does help do this in a simple to abstract manner.”

Anthea Davidson-Jarrett


Complete Course
