Word Whisk

Is your child learning how to blend sounds?

Does your child need practice with recognising middle vowel sounds?

Would you like to see your child soar through their early reading?

The Word Whisk Series is the ultimate solution! It includes:

5 short, simple and fun sessions

Complete ETGA Blending Workbook

The ETGA Blending Album with ten songs

Self-correcting exercises

Ongoing encouragement and praise

Being mentally able to blend speech sounds together sets the concrete foundation for your child to decode words and read effectively later on.
Establishing a bank of letter sound word patterns and retaining individual letter sounds as they decode any word takes much practice and great focus for a child.

The Word Whisk Series supports your child to recognise and internalize letter patterns in CVC words and also focuses on differentiating the middle vowel sounds which can also be a challenge when learning how to read. Our Blending album is designed to be played when your child is not focusing on learning their blends so to encourage the internalizing of word patterns subconsciously too!

By practicing blending your child prepares for their reading journey concretely and strengthens their ability to easily master the decoding of phonetic words; establishing the basis to tackle non phonetic words!

“When you analyse the gaps in knowledge where reading is concerned; you find the culprit to be a shaky foundation with blending and segmentation of graphemes and their phoneme counterpart. Once a child gets this under their belt the rest is plain sailing and they will not only maser reading but enjoy it much more too!”

Anthea Davidson-Jarrett


Complete Course
