Book Order – Part 2



Five thousand dollars to be paid as a deposit on June 28th 2022.

Five thousand dollars to be paid on receipt of the order; date of shipping to be confirmed once ordered.

#Note : Today’s Exchange rate fixed as of today:

$1:£0.82 = £ 4083 

  • Part one:  First part completed.
  • Part two:  This is the second part.





  1. Four hundred and seventy-five copies of five of the I Know I Can book by Anthea Davidson-Jarrett
  • I Know I Can Host Party
  • I Know I Can Omelette on Toast
  • I Know I Can Bookshelf
  • I Know I Can Do The Laundry
  • I Know I Can Bake A Cake
  1. Twenty-five copies of Always Here With Me by Anthea Davidson-Jarrett



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