Educate The Globe

What Does Follow The Child Mean?

‘Follow the child’ in Montessori lingo is described in context with ‘prepare the environment’ and ‘observe without judgement or interference’. When you understand the latter two  statements then following the child makes coherent sense. Montessori believed that a child is born with and develops [insert appropriate pronoun] own interests, thoughts, ideas and purpose naturally. Adults …

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Montessori & Piaget: A Comparison

Both the powerhouse that is the educator and physician Dr Maria Montessori’s and psychologist Jean Piaget’s stages and planes of cognitive development are quite insightful and useful to understand when parenting, teaching or involved with children in any capacity. Although Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development are more widely referenced in education, Montessori’s Planes of Development …

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Supporting The Development of Character

First of all you can’t teach character. Let’s start there!  “The human personality forms itself by itself…” Maria Montessori, The Secret of Childhood, p. 31 Children are born with their own unique character; it is not something that anyone outside of self can develop. It can however be nurtured and supported by the environment surrounding the …

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Understanding the Third Plane of Development: Adolescence

When we are exploring the world of adolescence and looking through the lens of Montessori, we understand that she coins this stage as the Third Plane of Development; between the ages of twelve and eighteen.  Rewinding a little bit; the first plane of development is between the ages of zero to six and children at …

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Montessori Approach to Critical Thinking

Critical thinking includes, amongst other things, the ability to: analyse, interpret, draw inference, explain, self-regulate and problem-solve; the results of which enhance a child’s creativity, decision-making abilities and curiosity about the world they live in. Whilst ruminating on how Montessori practices support the development of this skill, it was apparent that it is intricately and …

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The Value of Normalisation

Normalisation is a term used within Montessori pedagogy and practice to describe a child who is able to work consistently both independently and cooperatively without straying focus and with an inner joy and enthusiasm for the activity or ‘work’ being completed. The characteristics of a normalised child include being able to treat others and themselves with respect …

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